Saturday, October 3, 2009

#2 Justin - 10/03/2009

Our second stop for the day on our Adventure Across Texas was Justin which has a population of 3,030 (2008) and is located in Denton County. The area was originally settled by a band of French colonists who in 1848 established the Icarian Colony. The community was abandoned a year later, and the area remained sparsely populated until the early 1880's. In January 1887, the community petitioned postal authorities for a post office to be named Justin, in honor of Jusin Sherman, chief engineer of the Santa Fe rail line. By 1886, Jusin had a population of 100, a general store, a grocery, a hotel and a cotton gin.

Here we are at Justin City Hall. Yep, that's about as exciting as it gets in Justin.

The sign driving into town on Farm Road 407.

We had to stop for a picture when we saw this sign on our way out of Justin.

And of course, no matter where you are in Texas, it would just be wrong to let Sonic Happy Hour come and go without stopping. We didn't let that happen.

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