Monday, May 31, 2010

#15 - Lorena 5/31/2010

Our last city for the day was Lorena which was about 15 minute drive south of Waco on I-35. We saw this sign on the say into town and pulled over for a quick picture. I'm not sure if there was some bull nettle or stinging nettle or what it was, but the girls (wearing shorts) got into some weed here that caused their legs to burn for the next 15 minutes so. Ouch!

We stopped by the Chamber of Commerce to grab a quick family picture with Tex, our armadillo mascot for our travels across the state.

Amanda and Tex took a nap on the way home.

#14 - Waco 5/31/2010

Our second city on today's Memorial Day outing was Waco. We drove up and down I-35 looking for a Waco sign and could not find one! I carried around a picture of this wall asking people in Waco if they knew where it was so we could take a picture, but nobody seemed to know where it was.

One of the goals for today's trip was to find a city that had something to do. Amanda's first request was a museum, but as we were looking at various cities, Brooke found the Cameron Park Zoo near Waco and Amanda quickly changed her vote. Here are the girls behind a waterfall at the zoo.

Here's my picture of a regal tang...we just called her Dory at the zoo until I had time to look up what kind of fish it was. Captured this one using the macro setting on my camera.

Lion fish...yup, had to look up this one when I got home, too. No, I did not read the sign on the aquarium.

Not sure of the name of this bird or even how to look it up. In my photo album, I just called it "cool bird". If you know the name, feel free to paste it in the comment section.

#13 - Hillsboro 5/31/2010

Since Amanda was out of school and Brooke and I were off work for Memorial Day, we decided it would be a good day to visit a few more cities. The first city we hit on the way out was Hillsboro. Here we are at the Chamber of Commerce.

On the way into Hillsboro.

The Hill Country courthouse in Hillsboro.