Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Video That Starts The Adventure

I first saw this video about a year ago and thought to myself, "That would be so much fun!" But then, like I do all too often, I never really pursued it because there are so many practical, real-life things I have to do that crowd out this kind of stuff.

Sometime within the last year, I also realized that I really NEED an occasional break from practical, real-life. There is never going to be a break in all that I need to do. I'm not really a "high need for adventure" kind of guy, but sometimes I get so busy with practical, real-life that that I really stop enjoying life.

Well, enough with the philosophical ramblings. I saw this video today, talked it over with Brooke and Amanda and I so excited that the Hurt family is going to take on the adventure of visiting all the Texas cities/places listed in this song. We're going to take pictures, update this blog and eventually make our own movie. As Brooke pointed out, it will probably take us a few years to complete, but who cares. What GREAT memories Amanda will have in high school of us taking day trips when there is no school, or longer road trips during Spring Break, etc.

It's not traveling the world, but it's something we can do as a family that will be fun, will make memories and will make for an awesome scrapbook.

So let the adventure begin!

Where We Hope To Visit

You can click on a city to the right and see it on the map. You can click on the map and drag it to see different areas, but don't click and drag a green spot because it will move and no longer mark it's original location (you can reload the page if you accidentally do this).